Ecommerce Tracking with Matomo Tag Manager

Easy ecommerce implementation guide with Matomo Tag Manager and dataLayer for every ecommerce website.

This guide is a translation of my original guide written on my personal website (french)

You are about to read V2 of the e-commerce tracking implementation tutorial for Matomo Tag Manager. This new approach makes it possible, in addition to the old one, to make tracking tags compatible with GA4’s e-commerce event data structure.
Clearly, if you already have an e-commerce implementation for Google Analytics 4, setting up the dataLayer is greatly simplified (steps 1, 2 and 4 having already been completed).

Step 3 (updating cart) is not compatible with this approach because how Matomo works is too different from GA4, so you will have to implement it dataLayer yourself.

Don’t forget to synchronize your dataLayer with _mtm in order to make the events dataLayer visible to Matomo.

Configure e-commerce tracking with Matomo Tag Manager

Matomo’s advanced e-commerce tracking is designed to work with Matomo’s classic tracking code. In this second part of the implementation, we will see how to use Matomo Tag Manager to make your e-commerce site markup work.

Implementing this monitoring requires technical skills and advanced knowledge of Matomo and Matomo Tag Manager. If you would like support or for me to carry out this implementation for you, do not hesitate to contact me directly to request a quote.

Creation of a delay on the Matomo Statistics tag

We will repeatedly configure the Matomo Data Layer to trigger custom events, to ensure that these events trigger well before the standard Matomo tracking, we will create a slight delay of 1 millisecond (so imperceptible) before triggering the pageview tracking tag.

Creating this offset is necessary for the product page view and category page view tags to work correctly. It is optional for tracking cart updates and order tracking.

To carry out this configuration, edit the “Matomo Statistics” tag and go to the advanced settings, then set the “Activation delay” to 1 and save your new configuration.

Now that your Matomo tag is configured, we can begin setting up e-commerce tracking!

Creation of the “Ecommerce” custom variable

In this new version of the tutorial, we only need one custom variable and not four. So we will simply create this variable using the parameters below:

  • Variable name: Ecommerce
  • Data Layer Variable Name: ecommerce

This variable will allow us to access all the ecommerce properties present in the Data Layer. You don’t need to adapt anything.


Step 1 – View a product page

This first step aims to count the number of times a product page has been visited. This information will be found in the product performance reports in the Matomo e-commerce section.

To make this tag work, we will need to retrieve product information from your database and expose it to Matomo using the Data Layer.

Setting up the DataLayer (Compatible with GA4)

Copy the following code at the top of your product page (if possible before your Tag Manager code) and adapt the item_id, item_name, item_category and values price​​ dynamically.

    window._mtm = window._mtm || [];
    window._mtm.push({ecommerce: null});  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
        event: "view_item",
        ecommerce: {
            items: [{
                item_id: "0123456789",
                item_name: "T-shirt Blanc",
                item_category: "Vêtements",
                price: 19.99,
</script>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

To ensure that your dataLayer is correctly set up, you can enter _mtm the data present in your browser’s development console and read it. Your data must of course appear there.

You can repeat this validation operation at each step of this guide

Creating the custom HTML tag

Now that it is possible to access the product data from Matomo Tag Manager, we will create a custom HTML tag.

  • Tag name: Matomo – Ecommerce – View Item
    window._paq = window._paq || [];
    var ecommerce = {{Ecommerce}};

    // Push Product View Data to Matomo - Populate parameters dynamically

        // Push custom event
        _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Ecommerce', 'View item', 'view_item', item.price]);

        // Push ecommerce data

    // You must also call trackPageView when tracking a category view
</script>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Your tag is ready, you technically don’t need to adapt the code copied above.

Creating the custom trigger

Your beacon is almost ready to work, but now you need to trigger it at the right time, i.e. when Matomo receives the custom event view_item.

To do this we will create a custom trigger of type “Custom event” (at the very bottom in the list) which will have the following configuration:

  • Trigger name: Custom Event – Ecommerce – View Item
  • Event Name: view_item

Once this configuration has been completed, e-commerce monitoring of the product page is complete.


Step 2 – View a category page

Have you figured out how to do the product page? If this is the case, we will continue the configuration with the category page, I will guide you!

Setting up the DataLayer (Compatible with GA4)

We again need the DataLayer to expose the name of the category to the Tag Manager, to do this, copy and adapt the following code on the template of your product category page.

    window._mtm = window._mtm || [];
    window._mtm.push({ecommerce: null});  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
        event: "view_item_list",
        ecommerce: {
            item_list_name: "Vêtements"
</script>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Creating the custom HTML tag

Now you need to create a new custom HTML tag:

  • Tag name: Matomo – Ecommerce – View Item List

You can now copy the following code into the area provided for the HTML code:

    window._paq = window._paq || [];
    var ecommerce= {{Ecommerce}};
    // Push custom event
    _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Ecommerce', 'View item list', 'view_item_list']);

    // Push ecommerce data
        false, // Product name is not applicable for a category view.
        false, // Product SKU is not applicable for a category view.

    // You must also call trackPageView when tracking a category view
</script>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Creating the custom trigger

To trigger our tag on the category page, we will create a new custom trigger that will need to be configured like this:

  • Trigger name: Custom Event – Ecommerce – View Item List
  • Event Name: view_item_list

You see, it wasn’t that complicated either, come on, you’re on a good start, let’s continue.


Step 3 – Updating Cart

Now we will configure a new tag to listen for changes at the cart level.

Setting up the DataLayer (Incompatible with GA4)

In this scenario, the dataLayer must display all the products present as well as the quantity of each and the total price of the basket. Copy the following code, adapting it to your needs:

    window._mtm = window._mtm || [];
    window._mtm.push({ecommerce: null});  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
        event: "update_cart",
        ecommerce: {
            value: 35.98,
            items: [
                    item_id: "0123456789",
                    item_name: "T-shirt Blanc",
                    item_category: "Vêtements",
                    price: 19.99,
                    quantity: 1,
                    item_id: "9876543210",
                    item_name: "T-shirt Vert",
                    item_category: "Vêtements",
                    price: 15.99,
                    quantity: 1,
</script>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Creating the custom HTML tag

You’re getting the hang of it, create a custom HTML tag that you can name and insert the following code:

  • Tag name: Matomo – Ecommerce – Update Cart
window._paq = window._paq || [];
var ecommerce = {{Ecommerce}};

// An addEcommerceItem push should be generated for each cart item, even the products not updated by the current "Add to cart" click.

    // Push ecommerce data
        (item.quantity || 1)

// Push custom event
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Ecommerce', 'Update cart', 'update_cart', ecommerce.value]);

// Push cart total value
_paq.push(['trackEcommerceCartUpdate', ecommerce.value]); 
</script>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Creation of the custom trigger

Perfect, do you see the path redrawing itself again? Come on, we create the associated trigger:

  • Trigger name: Custom Event – Ecommerce – Update Cart
  • Event Name: update_cart

Perfect, it was a little more complex but you got there, it’s a good sign for the future!


Step 4 – Order Tracking

Here we come, the last step and the most important of all.

Setting up the DataLayer (Compatible with GA4)

To collect the information related to the order, you will have to expose in your dataLayer the data for each product as well as the quantity, and add the data relating to taxes and delivery costs as mentioned at the start of this tutorial.

Here is the code that I recommend you implement in your dataLayer:

    window._mtm = window._mtm || [];
    window._mtm.push({ecommerce: null});  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
        event: "purchase",
        ecommerce: {
            transaction_id: "000123",
            value: 35.98,
            order_sub_total: 30.98,
            tax: 3,
            shipping: 2,
            discount: false,
            items: [
                    item_id: "0123456789",
                    item_name: "T-shirt Blanc",
                    item_category: "Vêtements",
                    price: 19.99,
                    quantity: 1,
                    item_id: "9876543210",
                    item_name: "T-shirt Vert",
                    item_category: "Vêtements",
                    price: 15.99,
                    quantity: 1,
</script>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Creating the custom HTML tag

Then go to the Tag Manager to create a custom HTML tag in which you will integrate the following code.

  • Tag name: Matomo – Ecommerce – Purchase
window._paq = window._paq || [];
var ecommerce = {{Ecommerce}};

// Product Array
        (item.quantity || 1)

// Push custom event
_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'Ecommerce', 'Purchase', 'purchase', ecommerce.value]);

// Push ecommerce data
    (ecommerce.order_sub_total || 0),
    ( || 0),
    (ecommerce.shipping || 0),
    ( || false)
</script>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Creating the custom trigger

Now that our last tag is created, we will attach it to a trigger still of type “Custom event” with the following configuration:

  • Trigger name: Custom Event – Ecommerce – Purchase
  • Event Name: purchase

Don’t forget to publish your container after these four steps to apply the changes.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them in the comment area provided for this purpose.

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